
  1. Riz Wyman, Barr. Purrr....

    Dear Mahmood,

    I like your new layout and set up more than the old one. Your office (Den) looks cool and conducive to productivity.

    It is interesting to learn that you are under attack from Arabia. Many of my friends that I visit, even in America have experienced the same thing as of late. This indicates a certain desperation of the enemy. They expose and target themselves by such actions.

    Awhile back I switched to a new security system that incorporates live real-time protection. There is a slight delay of information transfer as all info filters through the main computer base and is evaluated before it is sent on to my computer which has a local system in addition onboard. Any funny business that is directed at my machine is auto-traced and logged and blocked in real-time The new system costs about S180.00 @ year, but it is worth it.

    New computer fraud laws are pending and the ability to nail the perpetrators is being coupled to legislation that provides for penalty.This system is spreading North America wide and covers much of Europe as well.

    These swines’ days are numbered.

    With our new government here in Canada we are sending more troops to the Afghan, even in the face of the Moonpires who oppose the war. Certain NATO countries are also stepping up the fight. Kofi Annan is more and more
    irrelevant; what a poor leader that guy is.

    Anyway best of luck.
    May your garden flourish.

    At your side…

    Chesshire by Severn

    PS On another related note, I carry my signal across phone lines for added protection and the phone companies have special laws to protect customers that other carriers do not have. i.e. similar to the mail fraud laws.

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