WHO’S YOUR DADDY? SAY MY NAME! SAY MY NAME!, originally uploaded by malyousif.
These two are nesting in the eves in our house, they took a break from nest building for some hanky panky in the palm tree this morning.
When they’re “in the mood” they just don’t seem to care how close I get to them, I was almost below the tree they chose for their love tryst, and they just were completely blind to everything else other than their lovemaking.
Valentine’s must be in the air!
It was almost exactly a year ago that I shot another parrot-porn picture, on the same true too!
When did your garden turn to the red light district?
I know, I should put out lit candles and all for these birds. They’re ALWAYS at it!
wain shor6at el 2adaab 3anik ! :whistle:
Nice shot! ;)…
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Mahmood. What a pervert!! Leave the poor parrots alone!!! :ninja:
Get a room!
whaswrongwivyoupeeple? I’m just doing a Bahraini Attenberough!
Mahmood, do you have a padded headboard? Well padded??
This is only half the story you dirty old man! The first half!
SBG needs a video here about the second half!
thanks Mahmood, I really needed to be cheered up. BF leaves to go home tomorrow back to Finland, we won’t see eachother again ’till June…
sniff sniff,
I need a hug!
consider yourself [[[ :wub: hugged :wub: ]]]
Wow, look at those parrots go…
…and all this time I thought doggie-style was monopolized by dogs and humans… :biggrin: