Another ‘Bahraini Tale’

One that is MUCH more odious than the plot and discord in Bassam Al-Thawadi’s movie. This one, is also infinitely more dangerous and if no stop is put to it, this country should have a “flush now” lever attached to it, because that is where we are headed.

Over the last few days, 15 prospective candidates gave up the fight and hung their swords. Some I am sure discovered that there was now way for them to compete in the fray and they did good by cutting their losses early and bailing out, others just entered the elections in the first place to probably just get the “key money” they would be offered to get out of the way, while others have been pushed, harassed, cajoled to do so by various “non”-political sources, at least, that’s what they want to call themselves and we know that they are anything but.

So what’s happened then? The religious clerics put the kabbash on some candidates to get out of the way in favour of other turbans or beards! How about that for a good party trick? How do they do it? Well, think of the nod that a mafia boss does in those movies and you probably will get the picture.

Once that signal is given, the “apparatus” goes into overdrive: mosque preachers bleat the virtues of the selected one, while nefariously besmirches the opposition. So they bray out things like: “Only elect the believers!

Of course, as they alone hold the exclusive keys to Heaven, it is only their sanctioned form of believers who are meant by this; why don’t you give us a CPR number and name why don’t you? Anyway, the content of the message of course is to tell people that the marked person is a non-believer! They have summarily excommunicated him politically, and of course their followers, being the true sheep they are, would just acquiesce to their demands unquestioningly. Ma’atems (on the other side of the spectrum) are just as bad using the same tactic more or less, and the result? Good people who have proven their mettle and who actually did attempt make a difference in the last parliament are chased out of the loop!

withdraw instructions given in favour of turbans

Now is this legal? Ah, who gives a damn? When the people who have ALLEGEDLY paid good money to incumbent candidates and ALLEGEDLY have also paid for tents and chairs and ALLEGEDLY put members of parliament on a stipend for services rendered and to be rendered and ALLEGEDLY paid even members of the appointed Shura council for hand written reports and recommendations are all still in their cushy government enclaves, untouched and unmolested! (did I forget an ALLEGEDLY anywhere in this paragraph? Please put it where it should go would ya?)

Look at all the papers over the last couple of weeks, and today’s in particular, we see two more candidates specifically giving up seats for turbans. I called one of them (Jassim Abdul’aal) and viciously complained that he is doing away with the trust placed on him by the whole of Bahrain if he does in fact give up the fight. He complained that there is really no point as regardless of his good history in the last parliament and within his community, a turban will always be selected over and above him.

And there goes the liberal stream in the 2006 parliament… I just hope that we will get at least a couple in there to shout loud enough to be heard above the din and shouts of “Allahu Akbar” the various Ayatollahs and Binladens would utter unbidden between brainfarts, because this is what the forthcoming chamber is looking like at the moment.

If you guys have any influence on liberals, please do write to them and/or talk to them to convince them to stand their ground. Bahrain desperately needs them. It doesn’t really need too many turbans and beards in there… what the hell will they do all day in parliament, take various breaks for prayer, even further restrict our personal freedoms and our freedoms of speech because they interpret those as against their version or Islam?

And may Allah have mercy on our souls. But before he does, let’s kick the liberals’ joint ass to elevate their game by at least staying in the running for Bahrain’s sake!

My vote, as if you needed told, would most definitely go to Wa’ad (sorry, can’t provide a link, their site is still blocked) or the new National Unity group.

Al-Wefaq and the others need not bother knock on my door.


  1. Jaffar

    Candidates gave up their rights to obey to Isa Qassim and Abdulla Al- Guraifi recent “ orders” to ease the competition on Al-Wefaq candidates. Here is my message that I want to send to Qassim:

    لماذا هذه القيمومة على رقاب الناس يا هذا. لماذا لا تترك الناس ينتخبوا ما يشاءون , انك بذلك تنتقص من فهمهم وتقييمهم . كأنك تقول أيها البعض : أيها الناس انتم لا تعرفوا ما يبطنه لكم هؤلاء المستقلين من خير أو شر , أنا اعلم بهم , وعليه صوتوا للكتلة المؤمنة التي تأتمر بأوامري وتنتهي بنواهي . عيسى قاسم يدرك تماما سذاجة الجماهير وتخلفهم ، ولقد قام بكل بذاءة وخسة باستغلال زعامته لهم بأن يمارس افتضاحه ليكشف عن عورته وعورات هذه الجماهير التي تنعق وراء كل ناعق.

    وكيف تلوح يا عيسى قاسم انك ستستخدم سلاح الانسحاب من الآن. إذا كانت هي بالفعل نقطة قوة في حال فوز كتلتك ، أليس من الغباء أن تكشف عن نقاط قوتك من الآن.

    وإذا لم تكن مع المقاطعة في عام 2002 لماذا لم تبين موقفك بكل وضوح وتجأر بصوتك كما تفعل الآن أنك مع المشاركة حتى لو أغضبت الجماهير. لم تفعل ذلك لأنك لم تشأ أن تخسر زعامتك لعلمك جيدا أن هذه الجماهير همج رعاع يبحثوا عن زعيم بمقاييسهم .

    وما الذي أقحمك أساسا في السياسة ، ما هي مؤهلاك وانجازاتك وخبراتك في الحقل السياسي والاقتصادي حتى تنظر للدولة ومؤسساتها. أنت مجرد (سكول دروبر) احتضنتك الحوزة مثلما تحتضن المتخلفين الآخرين تبصق في عقولكم كل بذاءات التاريخ والتراث وترسل بكم إلى قم تعودون بعدها إلينا تنظروا في السياسة والاقتصاد والاجتماع والقانون والعلاقات الخارجية .

    لا يوجد كتاب واحد في الحوزة يعلم السياسة والاقتصاد ( باستثناء كتاب الصدر) والقانون والعلاقات الدولية . فكيف تأتي لكم كل هذا العلم ” الحصولي” لتقحموا أنفسكم في كل شؤون الدولة. أين أبحاثك يا هذا في الحقول أعلاه لتقنعني انك أهل للتصد لهذه الشؤون.

    لقد أدركت تماما أن هذه الجماهير مطية يسهل ركوبها وانه لا يسألك احد لماذا وكيف تدعي الزعامة وما هي مؤهلاتك. تدرك انه لن يحاسبك احد على ما تقذفه في عقول الجماهير ولن يسألك احد عن ملائمتك للمنبر الذي التي “تمتطيه” لأنه لا توجد معايير أساسا لمن يريد أن “يمتطي ” منبرا.

  2. JK


    عبد العال من صوبنا، مو من الديرة بس صوبنا

    وكنت مفكر أعلق صورة كبيرة إليه على البيت
    خصة بيتنا موقعه حليو

    بس يوم جفته يوم يقول بانسحب
    ويوم بعد رجع قال ما بنسحب

    قلت خله، أحط صورة وش قد وبعدين ينسحب
    حق أصير مطنزة ويا الربع

    خلنا نحارس بالأخير نجوف منهو وعندها بنحدد عن الفشيلة

  3. Costa-guy

    My vote, as if you needed told, would most definitely go to Wa’ad (sorry, can’t provide a link, their site is still blocked) or the new National Unity group.

    Al-Wefaq and the others need not bother knock on my door.

    وما الذي أقحمك أساسا في السياسة ، ما هي مؤهلاك وانجازاتك وخبراتك في الحقل السياسي والاقتصادي حتى تنظر للدولة ومؤسساتها. أنت مجرد (سكول دروبر) احتضنتك الحوزة مثلما تحتضن المتخلفين الآخرين تبصق في عقولكم كل بذاءات التاريخ والتراث وترسل بكم إلى قم تعودون بعدها إلينا تنظروا في السياسة والاقتصاد والاجتماع والقانون والعلاقات الخارجية .


    صج وقـــــــاحة

    يا اخي ليش الحسد.. هاي إنتخابات وقول على المايكروفون اللي تبغا تقوله.. مو كل الناس متدينين بس بعد مو كل الناس مو متدينين

    وثانيا أنا إنسان متدين، أستمع الى خطب عيسى قاسم، أفهم مقصده، وأبدي وجهة نظري مع يتبع شوره حتى ولو كان من ناحية إنتقاد أو تحفظ دون كلام فيه تجريح وإهانة مشاعر الآخرين

    ثالثا الإنتخابات هاذي السنة انتخابات كتل = كتل المعارضة والدليل مثال ما يحدث في الدائرة الرابعة مع منيرة فخرو حيث الوفاقيين سيبدون دعمهم لمنيرة في الانتخابات القادمة وهو نوع من التحالف.. يعني ما يهم وفاق ولا وعد إذا كان الموضوع فيه تحقيق لمطالب الشعب..

    أنا إنسان لا اتبع الى جمعية معينة.. أنا مع من يطالب بحقوقي لكن بعد ما رأيت من إسلوب حوار هنا، أتمنى أن ينحل التحالف بين الوفاق ووعد لنرى كيف سنرى سينجح (الوعديين) واللي خايف لا ينزل انتخابات

    واللي ما عنده إسلوب في الكلام لا يكتب..


    أنت ايضا (سكول دروبر) احتضنتك البحرين كما تحتضن المتخلفين الآخرين

    عجل آخرتها نـــطلع متخلــــــفين؟؟ وإنت اللي فاهم..

  4. Costa-guy

    وكيف تلوح يا عيسى قاسم انك ستستخدم سلاح الانسحاب من الآن. إذا كانت هي بالفعل نقطة قوة في حال فوز كتلتك ، أليس من الغباء أن تكشف عن نقاط قوتك من الآن.

    وإذا لم تكن مع المقاطعة في عام 2002 لماذا لم تبين موقفك بكل وضوح وتجأر بصوتك كما تفعل الآن أنك مع المشاركة حتى لو أغضبت الجماهير. لم تفعل ذلك لأنك لم تشأ أن تخسر زعامتك لعلمك جيدا أن هذه الجماهير همج رعاع يبحثوا عن زعيم بمقاييسهم


    صج وقاحة المشكلة قاعد اقرأ وأرد أقرأ مرة أخرى

    يعني احنا رعاع وانت فاهم..

    خلني اذكرك انه اللي قاطع تحالف جمعيات سياسية كبير وتم اتخاذ القرار بعد التوصل الى مباحثات بين الجمعيات ببعضها الآخر..

    هل سمعت الخطبة كاملة؟؟

    الإنسحاب سيتم إذا الحكومة لم تستجيب للتكتل الموجود في البرلمان ودعني أخبرك أن المقاطعين السابقين من الجمعيات الأربع سيحذو بمثل هذا الحذو حتى لو اضطر الأمر لحل البرلمان..

    أنا صحيح لا أتبع تيار عيسى قاسم.. بس بصراحة يحز بنفسي إنه يتم تشبيه الشعب برعاع ومصطلحات بذيئة تنم من اسلوب رخيص مثل أمثالك الحاقدين..

    أعتقد إنك ستغضب بمصطلح آية الله، إذن دعني أخبرك أن سماحة العلامة آية الله عيسى قاسم (وأنا أتحداك) لم يقول في أي خطبة، إنتخبوا فلان واتركوا فلان..

    الشعب عنده عقل ويفكر.. ويعرف ماهو صح وما هو غلط.. يعني بالله لو يجي شيخ معمم ويدخل البرلمان ويحصل فلوس على الفاضي والشعب جايع بتتوقع إنه في أحد بينتخبه؟؟؟ بس لأنه معمم يعني وقال الدين هو اللي يقول لكم إختاروني؟؟؟!!

    أو بس لأنه جمعية الوفاق جمعية إسلامية تتفنن بمهاجمتها؟؟؟ إنت أنظر إلى فكر الشيخ علي سلمان وخطاباته وهو المتخرج من “الحوزة” على قولتك وشوف خطبته في افتتاح خيمة منيرة فخرو علشان تعرف شوي من هالفكر..

    إذا إنت إنسان جاهل ومصطلحاتك رخيصة أرجو أن تحتفظ بها إلى نفسك.. وخلني ساكت

  5. Costa-guy

    لقد أدركت تماما أن هذه الجماهير مطية يسهل ركوبها وانه لا يسألك احد لماذا وكيف تدعي الزعامة وما هي مؤهلاتك. تدرك انه لن يحاسبك احد على ما تقذفه في عقول الجماهير ولن يسألك احد عن ملائمتك للمنبر الذي التي “تمتطيه” لأنه لا توجد معايير أساسا لمن يريد أن “يمتطي ” منبرا


    الشعب صار مطية سهلة؟؟

    إنت بالله في أي دائرة مرشح نفسك علشان أقول للعالم لا تصوتوا
    له ترا “بيمتطيكم” إذا وصل البرلمان

    إنت وأشكالك المميزين والطائفيين هم المفروض من لا يجب التصويت لهم ويجب أن لا يصلوا للبرلمان..

    إنت إنسان حاقد على الشعب عموما وعلى الشيخ عسيى قاسم بالذات والدليل موقعك الإلكتروني وهاي إقتباس منه

    يوما بعد يوم وخطبة بعد خطبة يتكشف وبكل وضوح غباء وسذاجة المدعو عيسى قاسم. هذا البعض يعاني من أعراض مرض عضال كنت أتمنى أن يشفى منه منذ زمن طويل لأن الدعاء ” للمؤمنين” بالخير واجب على كل مؤمن ومؤمنة. ولكن بمرور الوقت اتضح لي مما لا يقبل الشك أن عيسى قاسم لا يمكن أن يشفى من هذا المرض الخبيث لأن الفيروس المصاب به قد تغلغل في جميع خلايا جمجمته واستقر قيها وتشعب. انه مصاب بلوثة التخلف والجهل والسطحية والاستبداد والغباء والزعامة والنبوة الكاذبة

    اذا الرجل لا يفكر بمثل تفكيرك لا تهاجمه بإسلوب رخيص.. كن أفضل منه وبين وجهة نظرك بإسلوب عقلاني ويتقبله الجميع وليس بإسلوب يجلب الحزازيات والإستفزازات لمشاعر الناس

    وراوينا اشلون (بتمتطينا) إحنا الشعب وإذا عندك كلام إنزل الإنتخابات وتكلم وقول كل هالكلام اللي تقوله، والأفكار اللي ما وصل اليها إنسان وكائن بشري غيرك على الملأ، سمعنا إشلون “المطية” اتكون يا فالح؟ ..

  6. Costa-guy

    I also tried to be neutral. I didnt even register in any political society just to be free in my political thinking and to choose “right” from “wrong”.

    I was this too close to register in Wa’ad in the beginning of 2006 as i was very close to people in side and as i knew that this society would NOT attack any other single citizen for his educational, religous and political background but if I found out that people like you are actually in Wa’ad, I would say: to hell YOU, and your society as it is aint different than any other sectarian society.

    ما رأيك أن تطرح نفسك للقيادة خاصة و أنك من حملة الشهادة الجامعية و أفكارك متنورة و أفكار الشيخ ظلامية ؟!

    حقيقة لست إدري إن كنت مصابا بلوثة جعلتك تعتقد بأن وصف الآخرين بالغباء يجعل منك أكثر ذكاءاً أم أن النقد يمكن أن يكون من خلال النزول بالخطاب للغة الغوغاء والسوقة.

    إن كنت تمتلك شيئا من شجاعة فلتطرح نفسك بديلا عن هذا “الغبي” الذي استطعاع بفرط “غبائه” أن يتحكم في عشرات الآلاف وهو بدون أدنى شك صاحب القاعدة الجماهيرية الأكبر في البحرين.

    لا أحب أن أصف أحدا بالغباء حتى ولو كان غباءه ظاهر كالحال معك، فكل ما تكتب يشي بعجب في الذات لا يسقط فيه سوى الأغبياء والحمقى.

    هل تعتقد بأنك إن شغلت وظيفة مرموقة فإن هذا يعني شيئا خارقا للعادة وبأنك فطحل لم تلد البلاد ندا له؟! أم أنك عندما تحصل على شهادة أكاديمية رفيعة تكون قد بلغت عنان السماء؟!

    الوظائف المرموقة تحصل عليها حتى العاهرات ومن خلال خبرتي العملية التي تجعلني أحتك في كثير من أمثالك أعرف يقينا بأن كل الذين أمثالك منتفخين غرورا فارغين من أي شيء آخر.

    أما الشهادات فلا أظنك بالغباء الذي يستدعي أن أخبرك بأنه حتى المجانين يمكنهم الحصول عليها هذه الأيام.

    This a quote from other people who replied on your post as it is clear that you are actually posting in any famous blog or site to spread your infertile ideas.

  7. can we talk now

    I would like to ask you a couple of things. do you not think that there are a lot of people who didn’t vote last time because they were told not to, and would not vote for a female because they are told not to and demonstrated against the family/personal law because they were told to and will vote/not vote for certain people because they are told to?

    aren’t there people who will agree with everything told them by their chosen leaders without question?

    you may be soemone who makes up his own mind and that is great, but aren’t there a lot of people who allow others to tell them what their minds should be? if you have been to meetings as you say you have, I would bet you have met many people like that..

    mahmmod is not running in the elections of course, but by saying “I will tell people not to vote for you” are you saying that there are people who will vote a certain way because you will tell them how to vote? aren’t you effectively doing the same thing?

    doctors should understand medicine, teachers should understand their subjects and how to teach, religious leaders should understand religion and politicians should understand politics. what we don’t need is a parliament full of reigious zealots who don’t understand the impact their decisions will have on the economy. wouldn’t you agree? in fact among those that alwefaq are supporting, there are a couple of people who probably WOULD contribute positively to the parliament if they are elected. but it is a shame that some good people from last time have decided to withdraw/not run again, while others who were rubbish will.
    in any case, if everyone does educate themselves about the issues and votes according to them, there might be some hope.. i say some because I see a list of people running that is hugely unbalanced in favour of religion, and no matter how good religion is, that can’t possibly be a great thing, in the long run.

    sadly, our society still has to make mistakes and learn from them, we still don’t have the ability to predict consequences.. that means progress will be much slower and costlier than it needs to be..

  8. Costa-guy

    I would like to ask you a couple of things. do you not think that there are a lot of people who didn’t vote last time because they were told not to, and would not vote for a female because they are told not to and demonstrated against the family/personal law because they were told to and will vote/not vote for certain people because they are told to?


    First of all I must tell you that the posts I made were because I don’t want to hear/see people humilating others just because the people’s opinions were not on the same track as theirs..

    Returning to your comment, my response is.. Not only islamists but all boycotting societies’ members did not vote the last time.

    Please differentiate between “told to” or decided upon thinking and discussing or in another words if we can say “influenced by”.

    Let’s be “Democrats” for a few seconds and return to 2002. We were told by OUR society that boycotting would put some pressure on the government so it can reconsider the constitution. We returned to home, discussed it with friends & said “True, let’s boycott”.

    Recently in the family/personal law, we said let’s come out with a law that can protect women’s rights. So we returned home, discussed it with friends “True, let’s support the law”.

    The same thing happend to Al-Wefaq. Only with Wefaq, rules & ideas are based on Islamic background.

    As much as I can’t interfere with your freedom of choice, thinking or belief. You should respect your neighbour’s Islamic choice, thinking or belief.

    Returning to Wefaq.. They based their discussions about any issue (not necesserly the family/personal law as I actually have a very good explanation about it but I won’t discuss it now).. I say they discussed it based on Islamic laws. They discuss it as speeches to the public and the public has the option to go home (as Democrats did) discuss it & choose. Vote with or against, accept the law or not to accept.

    Islamists are not ordering people. They are explaining issues from an Islamic point of view. Whether it effects Islam or not. And people have their own choice in deciding what to take or not. And then the “poles/elections” decide.

    Whoever says Islamic people are people who don’t think and are guided or people who have no emotions, no logical thinking is either someone not living in our society or an enemy to Islamists and Islam.

    If you take Islamic laws as “basis” for your everyday lifestyle activites then “DeFiNiTeLy” you’ll choose someone who is near to your views.

    That’s why some (and here I say some) will choose on this basis. If you take a look on the election’s map, you’ll see religious people going one on one with democratic people who are supported by the “boycotting team”. A priminarly pole says: the “Democratic” guy is winning. Here people chose upon the effect of the “boycotting team” (which is not 50% Islamic) even though the other guy is a “mosque shaikh”.

    Still there are people who are very religious and do not choose the Islamic candidates. They’ll choose someone they know & wait and see it clear on the 25th.

    On the counter, some (here I say some) Islamists say voting for females is against Islamic rules but other Islamists say it will benefit the people to vote for “the” woman.

    It’s an “eLeCtIoOoOoOoN”. Speeches will be everywhere, promises everywhere and the winner by majority will be decided upon the results of the “White Box” on the 25th.

    One more explanation… the

    doctors should understand medicine, teachers should understand their subjects and how to teach, religious leaders should understand religion and politicians should understand politics.


    Do you really think this is true?

    Dear, when it comes to understanding life and understanding our needs and knowing the words to say and carrying the courage to say it, everyone is a politician. You’ll see doctors in the Parlement along side lawyers, teachers, salesmen and even unemployees.

    Everyone knows politics.

    But please do not say people (my people) don’t understand and dont think, people see what is right (in their own point of view) and judge upon it. If “Democrats” hate the Islamic speeches, then please.. be my guest and let’s see the “Democratic” speeches.

    I just commented on one very (Democartic) speech up in the beginning of this post.

  9. can we talk now

    First of all I must tell you that the posts I made were because I don’t want to hear/see people humilating others just because the people’s opinions were not on the same track as theirs..

    I agree. but don’t you think you are doing that as well?

    Returning to your comment, my response is.. Not only islamists but all boycotting societies’ members did not vote the last time.

    again, i agree. i think that they are in the same boat. i voted last time and i will vote every time, because if i have a voice i will use it. what the opposition did last time was to choose not to run or vote but expect to have a voice from the outside. i don’t think that’s fair. not to run and to claim that you represent the people. it may be true but it is not right.

    Please differentiate between “told to” or decided upon thinking and discussing or in another words if we can say “influenced by”.

    i have seen hundreds of people in the presence of “those they consider to be their leaders” all shouting together “nahnu ma’akum ya ulamaa” before the “ulamaa” even opened their mouth to explain their opinions. these people did not go home to discuss with their friends and then choose. they were waiting to be told what is the correct thing to decide.

    Recently in the family/personal law, we said let’s come out with a law that can protect women’s rights. So we returned home, discussed it with friends “True, let’s support the law”.

    I am curious. it is good that you had the discussion, but do you always agree with your friends after the discussion? also, who is we? i assume it’s your friends?

    The same thing happend to Al-Wefaq. Only with Wefaq, rules & ideas are based on Islamic background.

    As much as I can’t interfere with your freedom of choice, thinking or belief. You should respect your neighbour’s Islamic choice, thinking or belief.

    no arguments here, we are in agreement.

    Islamists are not ordering people. They are explaining issues from an Islamic point of view. Whether it effects Islam or not. And people have their own choice in deciding what to take or not. And then the “poles/elections” decide.

    no, they are not ordering people, but they are telling them how to vote if they want to be “good people”. in the other hand, some non-islamists do the same thing too. they give other reasons. and then some non-islamists pretend to be islamists, because they think they will be more popular, which is even worse.

    Whoever says Islamic people are people who don’t think and are guided or people who have no emotions, no logical thinking is either someone not living in our society or an enemy to Islamists and Islam.

    I don’t think islamists have no emotions, i think they are extremely emotional but i do think that they are guided, and i also don’t agree with the rest of your statement. it sounds too much like George Bush’s “with us or against us mentality” .

    If you take Islamic laws as “basis” for your everyday lifestyle activites then “DeFiNiTeLy” you’ll choose someone who is near to your views.

    whatever you base your everyday life on, whatever religion or beliefs are, isn’t it better to choose the peson who is best qualified for the job than to choose someone who agrees with you?

    On the counter, some (here I say some) Islamists say voting for females is against Islamic rules but other Islamists say it will benefit the people to vote for “the” woman.

    it’s a shame that anyone would even discuss such a thing in this day and age, after all that women have done in Bahrain.

    It’s an “eLeCtIoOoOoOoN”. Speeches will be everywhere, promises everywhere and the winner by majority will be decided upon the results of the “White Box” on the 25th.

    it is interesting having this discussion now, I am watching the american elections for the house and senate now and the stories of mudslinging and lies written about some of the candidates is horrible.

    Do you really think this is true?

    yes, i do.

    Dear, when it comes to understanding life and understanding our needs and knowing the words to say and carrying the courage to say it, everyone is a politician. You’ll see doctors in the Parlement along side lawyers, teachers, salesmen and even unemployees.

    Everyone knows politics.

    that’s the problem. everyone thinks they are a politician, but they aren’t. a little knowledge is dangerous. that was obvious from the last parliament. people got on who don’t understand politics, or diplomacy, or the long term results of their decisions or even their own job descriptions. it is a big responsibility, representing people, not everyone can do it.

    But please do not say people (my people) don’t understand and dont think, people see what is right (in their own point of view) and judge upon it. If “Democrats” hate the Islamic speeches, then please.. be my guest and let’s see the “Democratic” speeches.

    i don’t know who your people are, and actually as i have said in other posts, i don’t believe in democracy because it means majority rules, even if their decisions aren’t the best for the country.

    it allows the masses to vote for the people they like or who agree with them instead of the most qualified for the job. if you are going to have democratic elections, i think that there should be rules about who can get on, such as a minumum education, and a minimum years of living in Bahrain, and to not be someone who has been convicted of a crime and a lot of other things. we are an educated country, i don’t think having people with a high school degree should be representing us or even people who just became naturalized, for example.
    maybe we will be ready for true democracy in the future, and maybe we have to learn the hard way.. as i said before, hopefully there will be something left by then..

  10. Costa-guy

    can we talk now

    So now you are trying to breakdown my entire comment intellectually so it can show how smart you are and divide the whole picture so no one can know what I am talking about??

    very clever 🙂

    It’s obvious you didn’t understand the whole picture yet.

    I won’t reply on each statement you made. I need to a copy and paste a quote. Instead, let me tell you what I understood from your last comment.

    1- You still can’t realize what religion means to those who believe in it.

    2- I was referring to all people by democrats and islamists. Another words, it was hypothetical situation. Therefore, I did not discuss the family-law with my friends.

    3- You still refer to leaders as “those who they consider” and people listening to them as “waiting to be told” so basically speaking, you still have this unrecoginition thing in your mind which frankly to say, would make you a very bad candidate to be elected :).

    4- If my statements sound like Bush’s why dont you give me your opinion towards Islamists and Islam frankly. This will answer your question. (You dont have to, I already know)

    What’s really funny about your comment that in the end you began saying that you dont believe in democrisy because it says “majority rules”. Now you want only fewer people with a limited years of education to vote or to be elected, a limited years of living in Bahrain.. etc..,

    It’s obvious what will satisfy you.. Is that who you personally choose will be chosen.. typical Arabic-mind..

    Btw, don’t try to mix-up subjects.. it’s NOT about knowing my people or not.. it’s about using very shallow expressions towards other people if they don’t think the same way as yours. Do you really consider yourself a balanced person???? :S

    Finally, answering your “first” reply; quote

    First of all I must tell you that the posts I made were because I don’t want to hear/see people humilating others just because the people’s opinions were not on the same track as theirs..

    I agree. but don’t you think you are doing that as well?


    So now replying on those who offended people, in another words, standing-up for people, is considered the same as humilation. So it’s the same as Law 56??

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