
Money can’t buy class

I don’t particularly care how rich Royal families are or get, and I’ll reserve my own personal views on their legitimacy and that of the cash they clamped their dirty mitts on, but doing this sort of thing: “Dozens of these cars do laps around Knightsbridge right through the night and the excitement for the …

Parliament and loss of ethics

It’s going to be on Saturday 23rd October, 2010, HM the King has decreed. So, expect the race to parliament to start in earnest now. Here’s the first to bolt out of the door: الظهراني يعلن إعادة ترشحه للانتخابات النيابية 2010 أعلن رئيس مجلس النواب خليفة الظهراني إعادة ترشحه للانتخابات النيابية المقبلة للفصل التشريعي الثالث. …

Ahhh, so romantic!

Or at least it would have been somewhere other than in our big neighbour to our east… Saudi groom slapped by mother on wedding night The groom’s mother became so upset that she hit and insulted him A Saudi groom was slapped by his mother on his wedding night when he tried , in a …