I applied the (unreleased) Xaraya 0.901beta to the site and poof! The site dissapeared! And of course only after this happens, did I look at the messages gathering in my inbox that said quite clearly that there are still some issues with the unreleased package on sourceforge… ah well, you know what they say: to …
Month: April 2003
Hussain… is the name chosen for twit number 13. And he weighed in at 3.360kgs.
Abeer just delivered a baby boy at 11:25 and all went well. Congrats to Alaa and Abeer on the latest addition. The name has not been set yet but I’ll let you know immediately I know.
When it’s the last item in the news broadcasts, not when Bush says it’s over! The main thing on the news now is of course SARS. So like Afghanistan, Iraq is now is on the back burner. Forget about the war wounded, the children, the old people. Forget about the Geneva convension that stipulates that …
Thank Marcel van der Boom for that from a message he put up on the Xaraya public Knowledgebase news list outlining how a blog is set up using Xaraya, MozBlog and some very simple tweaking of Xaraya (no, no code was hurt while doing this procedure, just a few simple mouse clicks! – try that …