As if it was ever dead? It might by necessity hide for a while but never dies, even in the most hostile environments you will find art flourishing. Look at Iraq: intermittent electricity, untreated water, medical services on the blink, people without jobs, without steady income, but with all of these predicaments we have a …
Month: May 2003
Air France is set to ground the Concorde next week with British Airways following suit in October. Since it began commercial operation with its maiden flight to Bahrain, I have unfortunately never flown on the Silver Bird. I have however walked around and touched it on the ramp at Bahrain Airport some years ago while …
How is this possible? Does it mean that JP Morgan doesn’t have any weight in the financial community or is it that others think Avid will continue to rise? I just wish I had the money and courage to buy when the stock was at $7 around Sept last year, now it’s up at $33 …
Although Microsoft’s offer for desktop operating systems and applications to the city of Munich in Germany is reportedly 3 million Euros less than that offered by IBM and Suse, Munich still chose Linux over Microsoft to switch some 13,000 computers. Now this is forward thinking and bravery, and maybe just as the article linked above …
fron the NYTimes Arab International Ministry, the Indianapolis group that led the crash course on Islam here, claims to have trained 4,500 American Christians to proselytize Muslims in the last six years, many of those since the 2001 terrorist attacks. The oratorical tone of these authors and lecturers varies, but they share the basic presumption …