Eight months’ investigation, 3 ministers questioned and the end result? They’re saints!

What a farce. Everybody on the street knows the transgressions that ALL ministers in this country have committed. The huge amounts of money embezzled and the continuous gratuities they receive in various forms (money, land, and privileges) so much so that a minister enters the government a pauper, but leaves it a billionaire. How else would one amass such wealth in such a short time? They go in with thoughts like “I can’t afford to fix my punctured tyre” but soon thereafter they own compounds and huge tracts of land…

So the “services committee” composed of Dr. Ali Ahmed Abdulla (Menbar), Ali Mattar (Asala), Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abdulla, Dr. Sa’adi Mohammed (Menbar), Dr. Isa Al-Mutawa (Asala), Mohammed Al-Khayat and Mohammed Khalid (Asala) have found that there are no wrongdoings to indict any minister.

And the committee’s vote was unanimous. Give me a break.

It’s abundantly clear that the majority of such an important committee is limited to pro-government MPs and their findings were a predetermined conclusion.

No indictment?

When put to the open vote in parliament only 8 MPs voted to indict Abdulla Saif, the Minister of Finance and National Economy, but you need 10 votes to indict a Minister:

The MPs voting for indictment of the Minister of Finance were Sameer Al-Shuwaikh (as if his vote counts, this guy is himself under a felony suspended sentence!), Othman Sharif, Ahmed Hussain, Jassim Abdul A’al, Abdulhadi Marhoon, Abdulnabi Salman, Mohammed Al-Abbas, Yousif Zainal.

Ali Mattar chickened out and abstained (by him leaving the chamber during the vote!) and he’s a member of the committee, does he know something that we don’t? Are these his “high Islamic principals” he’s harping on about forever? Or is it what’s good for the goose is NOT good for the gander?

Eight months and this is the result?

I can understand that under the current law, they couldn’t touch Abdulnabi Al-Sho’ala. I can understand that the new Minister of Labour Majeed Al-Alawi has got off, but Abdulla Saif is let go?

What a farce. ALL of these jokers in parliament now should NEVER be elected again. They are very simply and generously described as morons who made an art of wasting time and posturing.


  1. mahmood

    Re: Eight months’ investigation, 3 ministers questioned and the end result? They’re saints!

    I think that schism is mendable.

    Actions of the King on numerous occasions demonstrated his empathy with the people and his understanding and strategic thinking. I think that he does not habitually interferes because he wants to give the government and the parliament the chance to prove themselves. He does come in when it seems that there is an impass, or when immediate action is necessary, and in all of those cases, he did good so he should be thanked for his endeavours. I genuinely believe that.

    As for setting the standards high, you have to, you just have to if you want to see your country rise and take its place amongst giants in the world. To me, human rights are the most basic and important thing that any government should be judged with and against. We’re starting to fair ok, but there is an awful lot of work to do. I know that there is determination to get us there, I’ll help that process by continuing to constructively criticise.

    The dissapointment is the current people in the parliament, when the 4 societies boycotted, they had their chance, and what we got is in most cases the lowest of the low. They should be kicked out, led by Al-Dhahrani the most loyal of stooges.

    I called Al-Wefaq’s media committee and they gave me directions to go to their HQ to pick up a copy, I’ll do that and see what they have to say and see.

  2. anonymous

    Eight months’ investigation, 3 ministers questioned and the end result? They’re saints!

    Why was this committee comprised exclusively of Islamist MPs? Any ideas?

  3. mahmood

    Re: Eight months’ investigation, 3 ministers questioned and the end result? They’re saints!

    Yes. the only one I’m not sure of is Dr. Ibrahim Al-Abdulla. Don’t know what his affiliation is. Here’s a link to the services committee page.

  4. [deleted]0.31014800 1099323478.248

    Re(1): Eight months’ investigation, 3 ministers questioned and the end result? They’re saints!

    This video shows how almost the entire population of Aldowasir district in Damam, has been naturalized. The head of the Aldowasir tribe, had even set up a fast-track application office to increase the speed of processing the applications. They didnt even need to go to Bahrain to get their passport!! The video which carries out extensive interviews with these mojanaseen say that it only took 10-14 days to get the passport and ID cards. It also shows evidence that the addresses in the passport and ID cards were forged. Estimated Aldowsary members naturalized is more than 30,000.

  5. [deleted]0.31014800 1099323478.248

    Eight months’ investigation, 3 ministers questioned and the end result? They’re saints!

    Mahmoud, it is facts like these which are angering the Bahraini street. Bahrainis dont feel valued in their own country and the rift and distrust between government and people is ever increasing. Although I was supporting the election boycott, had this parliament proved to be the transitional object that induced change, im sure I would have seriously reconsidered my views. It is not surprise that their was no ministerial indictment, and that this political naturalisation probe will get thrown out of the window, please Mahmoud, if you set your standards so high you will be disappointed!!

    If you want some hard proof other than the impotent parliamentary probe which the MP Abdulaal estimated that about 20% of the Bahraini population is naturalised, I suggest you call 254440 (media committee of Alwefaq) to get a copy of their Tajnees video which was secretly filmed. It is fascinating, both sad and funny, and highlights the extent of the problem. Definetly worth watching even for mere entertainment!!

  6. anonymous

    Re(2): Eight months’ investigation, 3 ministers questioned and the end result? They’re saints!

    I am not sure I do fully understand this Dowasir naturalisation…. Do they have to be descendants of persons who had previously been living Bahrain? Also I’d be interested to know whether you are aware of any Saudi official viewpoint towards this dual citizenship?

  7. mahmood

    Re(3): Eight months’ investigation, 3 ministers questioned and the end result? They’re saints!

    this might shed some light on the issue. Although I must stress that it is just a presonal interpretation.

  8. anonymous

    Eight months’ investigation, 3 ministers questioned and the end result? They’re saints!

    [size=18][color=darkblue]I think Al-wefaq’s “secretly” filmed video should be seen and shared with the rest of the country, to be fed the truth about how the parliments investigations in the matter of naturalisation, have been so “eye blinded”. Publish the vid and you got the rights to do so, part of “freedom of speech” that the King approves and encourages. If a party will do that its Al-wefaq oo bss. [/color][/size]

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