
How cool is this:

Defining the upper limits of large-format photography, digital scanning and image processing, custom-built Gigapxl™ cameras capture images with unprecedented resolution.

It would take a video wall of 10,000 television screens or 600 prints from a professional digital SLR camera to capture as much information as that contained in a single Gigapxl™ exposure.

The Project’s near-term goal is to compile a coast-to-coast portrait of America; photographing her cities, parks and monuments in exquisite detail.

A longer term goal is to create for future generations a world-wide archive of vanishing cultural and archaeological sites.

How much love do you have to have for your country to manufacture a camera from discarded cold-war technologies, nuclear reactors and other assorted bits and pieces simply to capture your country’s monuments, parks and cities on high resolution film that is scanned to result in gigapixel-sized images. This format if used to photograph a full sized football field and the result printed in actual size, you will be able to see each individual blade of grass in exquisite detail!

Not convinced that this camera and project are doing good yet and you wish that your own country would have a similar organisation? (Forget Bahrain’s Ministry of disInformation, or its departments of Culture, WE “the people” would have to do this kind of thing ourselves.. and why not? A project like this can easily (should) be financed through businesses on the island for posterity’s sake.)

Ok, maybe this paragraph would pique your interest:

A photograph of a San Diego beach shows a paraglider swooping over bluffs. Zoom in on some tiny dots on the cliff, and a group of people with binoculars and telephoto lenses can be seen. Follow their gaze, and you’ll see naked sunbathers on the beach.

via: Wired News


  1. [deleted]0.17969100 1099323240.683


    Thank you for pointing this out. It is really fabulous!

  2. anonymous


    wow… now that’s what I call EXTREME CLOSEUP!!!! – I just wish they zoomed in on the naked beach goers… I’m hoping they were cute… ahh who cares, I’m an arab, I’ll take any excuse to look at naked flesh…

    that’s a really cool project…


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