He might. I and hundreds of thousands of Bahrainis certainly feel anything but.
And no, this is not a feeling that actually is due to the following video, in which police are seen aiding, abetting and participating in the wanton destruction, thieving and ransacking of a Bahraini business. We’ve actually felt that for quite some time, but people, bless them, always thought that we were just being dramatic! The events of the last fourteen months, the death of some 88 fellow Bahrainis due to police and state action, have certainly augmented that reality for us, and we’re now officially fed up!
Here’s the close-circuit camera security video of the Jawad Business Group owned 24-hour Market near the village of Nuwaidrat by the ALBA roundabout recorded on April 10th, 2012:
Will there now be an honest investigation and will there be any consequences to the culprits this time? Considering that this is apparently the 58th (yes, fifty-eightth) attack on Jawad’s enterprises since March last year. And if there is an investigation, what will be the outcome? Well, I’m willing to bet that the police officers involved in this will not be penalized. The thieving policeman who helped himself to water will not even be asked to pay its price. The vandals will be let go, or maybe suffer the indignity of a slapped wrist. But the real penalty will land – once again – on the victim. Jawad Business Group will be made to suffer even more for having the temerity of making such a video available to the public by allowing it to be released.
How dare Jawad do that? Don’t they know that by their action they will have deepened the schism of social hatred? Don’t they know that they have now contributed to the complete breakdown of social cohesion? Didn’t they think that they would have broken down the national unity? And above all else, they have intentionally besmirched the honor and dignity of our illustrious bawasil!
The police and the officers involved there need to be rewarded for their admirable self constraint. And as far as the thugs, thieves and vandals – sorry, the honorable Bahraini citizens who are only doing their duty – well, they’ll probably sleep off their exertions in their barracks for a while, before they’re goaded once again to do God’s work.
Welcome, to another safe day in Bahrain.
Well said Mahmood. Tyranny will not prevail and chapeau to the Jawads.
Small point: wonton destruction means bombarding with Chinese dumplings. Maybe you meant wanton.
Best, M.
I did I did! 😉
But this evidence will not disappear, it is waiting right there on YouTube for more reformist leadership to use.
If it ever comes – perhaps after US is weaned off middle-east oil reservoirs.
Sickening . Was it you, Mahmood, or a poster who used the term Kristallnacht in another blog post ? This is essentially the same, with the only difference being that during that time, these actions were openly announced and fostered by the state, and done systematically, across cities all in the same time, if I recall correctly.
The intent was then the same as this is now – cause harm based on religious differences – citizens against citizens. Will we never learn ?
“cause harm based on religious differences”
You are confused.
Yes there is a side who shout day and night and at this very moment..
Examples.. Saeedi, Mohammed Khalid, A. Latif and so on …
I have never ever heard the other side shout the same… NEVER !!
it has always been “Equal Bahrainis, Vote for All Bahrainis, Sunni and Shia are brothers, Freedom for all, Democracy for all”
Just give me one individual, who speaks exclusively about the plight of the Shia??
Just one example of an individual?
You may say .. yes you speak and cry of the plight of Shia.
I answer you, yes it is part of the problem but it is not the greater goal of this movement
who caused this problem? Why are there no Shia in BDF?
So please do not confuse yourself and spare me your confused replies!
Reader911 – you’re confused here. My comment pertains to this incident – attacking Jawads -why ? Because of religious differences.
Same as happened in the infamous Kristallnacht in Germany in the 1940s, where Jewish businesses were attacked and looted.
What is worst than the content of this video, are the people who try equalize the demand of freedom with acts of plain simple stealing and vandalism.
Looking in to the past, ONLY and ONLY, specific businesses owned by a specific group have been targeted and attacked by a specific pro-gov groups.
I can not say it is the same case the other way around because it never happened.
I applaud the youth of Sitra for not going head to head with those hooligans and not slipping and not giving a chance for already sectarian strife that the government has made and is trying to widen!
It has nothing to do with politics really, just used as an excuse. We have the same groups of people here in the USA only their skin is a bit darker.
Let’s be honest…. some people are just angry from tire burning just because this act would turn tables around and lead to a situation that is considered by them as a shiite invasion, sorry, i meant real democracy. But if the act was being done by pro-Govt vigilantes than all is ok, because it means protecting the country, even if it meant killing and harming any shiite, or sabotaging a super market because its owner is shiite.
What fucking shit!!!
Let’s be honest…. some people are just angry from tire burning just because this act would turn tables around and lead to a situation that is considered by them as a shiite invasion, sorry, i meant real democracy. But if the act was being done by pro-Govt vigilantes than all is ok, because it means protecting the country, not terrorism or hooliganism, even if it meant killing and harming any shiite, or sabotaging a super market because its owner is shiite.
What fucking shit!!!
The video is outrageous – of course policemen should be held to the highest standard of accountability and not aid and protect their mates. But worse, much more outrageous are the comments of people like Dina Fakhro and Sarah Baqer who try to equate the standard of angry youth on the street with policemen and rationalize it. Why dont you consider blaming the government for not providing the context and consistency to create a solution that enables us to live our lives peacefully and productively? Surely that is their job? And before you blame it on the opposition, may I remind you that many of them are locked up, based on trials procedures that should be unconsitututional and illegal.
Noone wants this ever-descending spiral into civil strife, but only one group of people has the power to change it. Whether they are legitimate, representative, or desired is now less important than the real question : Can they rescue Bahrain? Are our lives and future safe in their hands?
Agreed completely. I am also rendered speechless when people equate the government with the opposition or the police with protesters. Being part of the latter implies a certain code of conduct that comes with the job, as well as accountability. A citizen who is suspected of committing a crime is NOT comparable. That is why the behavior of the police in the video is much worse and more shocking than than that of the vermin-like hooligans who smashed, trashed and robbed the place. no excuses, no buts. Especially not from people whose education one would think would have removed the blinkered bigotry from their vision.
Call a spade a spade indeed, Dina, you try it.
And just one more thing to add, since this yates and timony had come, things became worse
14 months, a number of people (including myself) on this blog were being very optimistic and encouraging others to be too, because we had hope that the CP will be able to do something. Also, a number of people, were very pessimistic and predicted the situation we are in now. It looks the pessimists were right.
The question is, what is the way forward.
On another note, Mr. Yates seems to be a home in Bahrain, can do whatever he likes without accountability, where in the UK he resigned because of a phone hacking scandal.
The thug that stole and ran off with BD 5,000 (USD 13,000) from the “Jawad” owned exchange in Riffa on broad daylight (early morning)!
– Pro-Gov thugs target Shia businesses regularly.
– The naturalizing of uneducated and illiterate foreigners.
– Guns are owned only by Pro-Gov loyalists.
– Stealing from Shia is “Halal” and is spoils of Jihad!