Timely Serendipity, the Book of Joy

The Book of Joy is a life changing book.

Do you believe in serendipity? I certainly do after picking up this book. It was like the universe was aligning just at the right time, and presenting me with this book because I needed its teachings most. This book was bought by my lovely wife while we were on a recent trip to Nepal. From a Tibetan bookshop too!

At a time when more things were going wrong than right. At a time of change in my life. This book provided a global perspective that I was slowly missing. Focusing on my own problem rather than putting them in context. Focusing inward than outward. This book and its authors; two heroes of mine, His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, have re-centered me and got me to focus on things larger than me. Through their shared wisdom, they are guiding me to find joy. Joy that was illusive over the past score years. And their wisdom and experiences offer a verifiable guide on how one might attain lasting joy and all the peace and tranquility that it brings.

I highly recommend this book and am eternally grateful to its authors for bringing it to us. I’m also very grateful to my wife who picked it up and allowed me to read, and now benefit from it.

Blessings to you all. I wish you joy and happiness.