We’re quite fortunate in Bahrain that we have a number of art galleries and exhibitions, so it’s easy to get in touch with various works of art and artists. It is even better that a number of private art galleries scour the world for interesting pieces to bring to the Bahraini connoisseur or collector, more …
58 security personnel were made redundant by the Seef Mall a few days ago in an effort for the company to be more profitable by out-sourcing security. The ex-employees were given an extremely fair severance pay (the last one negotiated was 6 months for every year employed by them, coming to some BD 22,000 in …
Adel Al-Moawdah: “We entered the parliament to please our God before pleasing the people. We won’t sell our ever-after for this life.” He also denies defaming “most” Barhaini business people with this comments reported earlier that they are the “morally corrupt lobby,” he claims his words were skewed and that the media is mounting a …
Why should Americans be worried about the image we are projecting to young people overseas? from cbn news People invariably associate the US and Americans with what they see on TV and the movie screens. The article referred to above is attempting to find out why these movies are “the fuel of terrorist hatred” where …
I’ve riled against demeaning adverts and promised to start uploading some that I find bad, offensive or downright unimaginative. All of these will have a common theme: that the Gulf Arabs are "stupid" and as such should either to talked at or down to from the creators of these adverts. Here’s a sample of ads …