Love these accents around our garden. This one is resting at the bottom of a palm tree. Seems to be quite content there too.
Another palm in our garden is dead. Thanks to this beetle. We have to remove the “Khawajah” palm from the garden now and must get someone to come spray the rest of the palms so that they do not spread to the rest of them, or more importantly, don’t spread to the rest of the …
Look at my Agave’s magnificent erection! This one loves the “Witch’s Cauldron” and is the best Agave I have in my collection. Unfortunately though, this erection means that after it flowers it will die 🙁 but not without first giving its viewer (and the bees) much pleasure!
Just wanted to show you how the xeriscaped border is coming along so far. I’m pretty happy with its progress as it’s only suffered one small casualty but the rest of the plants are thriving! Here’s how it looked when it was first finished.
I threatened this tree that if it didn’t produce a good harvest this season, it’s coming out! Glad it did something about it 🙂