I thought I’d just keep this here as a reminder… The late King Faisal of Saudi Arabia said, and I quote: Teach your children that Palestine is occupiedand that the Aqsa Mosque is imprisonedand the Zionist entity is an enemyand resistance is an honourand there is no country called Israel King Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al …
The Atlantic has a leading story for its upcoming September 2020 edition in which an article about the failures of the United States that culminated in its current disastrous response to the Coronavirus. The article entitled “How the Pandemic Defeated America” by Ed Yong exposes the deep failure a lot of which emanate from a …
Some of you may know that I have been on a campaign to protect data, personal data specifically, from misuse and my demands for legislation to strenuously protect that data to prevent its misuse, and to enact stern penalties on those who do misuse personal information. On August 1, 2019, the Bahrain’s Personal Data Protection …
My friend Doug Doulton shared this on his Facebook timeline: In it, Naomi Klein states: Shock. It’s a word that has come up a lot since November— for obvious reasons. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about shock. Ten years ago, I published “The Shock Doctrine,†an investigation that spanned four decades from …
After more than a year or toing and froing, Shaikh Isa Qasim, Hussain Alqassab and Mirza Aldurazi get a suspended sentence of one year in jail, three years probation, the appropriation of over BD 3 million collected as “khums” – a religious tax of 20% of surplus profits given by followers of the Shia tradition …