I’m a very proud member of the Entrepreneurs’ Organisation and hold the Communications Chair in the Bahrain Chapter. We‘ve produced this film to show the public what we do and who we are and hope that it will also act as an incentive for recruitment of new members too. Are you interested?
It’s only a week since I came back to the island after an excellent and fruitful holiday. That holiday was followed by a hectic – but fortunately very fruitful – week spent in the office. Now, I’m off with my crew to Kuala Lumpur to cover another of the Power-Gen series of international power conferences …
I’ve been to a nice seminar this afternoon at the Entrepreneurs Organisation, of which I’m a member, exploring ways to grow one’s business. The EO’s education, or “learning” program is quite good and is the one most important reason (so far) which attracted me to the group. They organise excellent seminars and workshops led by …
I couldn’t believe my eyes as I drove to my office this morning…
This is what I saw:
If you’re an entrepreneur or an aspiring businessman, you should go and read Suhail Al-Gossaibi’s blog. Over the last couple of weeks he’s posted some insights which could help you be a better businessperson.