I want to thank everyone for their very valuable suggestions as to what car I should get Amna. In the end, we decided to settle for the Nissan Altima which was between the two budgets set, and offers very good value for money and safety aspects. She has had it for a day and a …
We thought we would go to a special and different dinner to celebrate our daughter Amna’s 18th birthday a few nights ago and decided to go to the oldest Japanese restaurant in Bahrain; Sato at the Gulf Hotel. As it was mid-week, it wasn’t difficult to get a table. We were received on arrival by …
My daughter Amna has not only been nagging me to get a driving license for the last couple of years, but has already selected the car I will buy her on her successfully passing her driving test! Typical of the twit. Anyway, as she is approaching 18, I finally folded and took her to get …
We went to the court this morning with a number of people already present and offered their support. But due to the main judge’s family bereavement, for which I would like to offer my sincere condolences to Shaikh Mohammed bin Ali on the passing of his mother, the case has been administratively deferred to be …
My little daughter turned 16 today. I won’t go into the usual “I can’t believe it” stuff, suffice it to say that Frances, I and her sister and brother are thrilled and are overjoyed for Hanan and we wish her all a very very happy birthday and hope that the whole day and the rest …