We’ve spent 13 years in our current home and most of those have truly been the best in all our lives. We made 1813 a place of quiet and safe refuge for us. We love the coolness and tranquility of the spaces inside the house, and the various “rooms” we’ve created in the garden – …
Good morning! Enjoy this video postcard from my garden. Ø¥ÙØªØ Ù‚Ù„Ø¨Ùƒ… لتبتسم لك الØياة Open your heart… to have happiness flood in.
I’ve always wanted a small “proper” sitting area in the front garden but never got round to doing something about it. Until now. Thanks to Almanaratain who wanted to parter with Mahmood’s Garden Show and offered to construct it for me using their material, staff and equipment to do so. How can I refuse? In this …
Here are the seeds which have been sown today (Friday 29 Aug 2014) in the nursery. A total of 16 seed trays and 34 types of plants. Watch the video for more of the seeding info and background:
Filbert, going walkabouts in the garden, originally uploaded by malyousif. Taking Filbert out several times a day to the garden or to be with his mother for a while, which she uses to feeds and encourages him to fly has become a tradition in our house-hold. It’s fun spending time with them in the garden, …