Tag Archives: government

شكراً زايد

لم ألتقي بأحد في البحرين الذي فعلاً يجسد قصد #فريق_البحرين مثل زايد الزياني. التواصل معه سهل Ùˆ رده حازم وسريع. لأسرد لكم قصة حدثت معي هذا الأسبوع لأوضح سبب إعجابي بهذا الشخص… عندي شركتين، واحدة مؤسسه والثانية محدودة المسؤلية. في أثناء تقديم معاملة لواحدة منهما، اتضح ان هناك مخالفة على الأخرى لتأخرنا في تحميل الحسابات …

Knock knock…

صادوهم مغيرين السعر😂😂😂 The ministry of commerce seems to be on a rampage closing down supermarkets which display a price and then charge another at the till. Ruyan was closed a few days ago and now Alhazeem’s follows.  Of course this doesn’t pass without Bahrainis making fun of the situation … here’s a scenario set …

Rubber Stamp Culture

In an era where electronic signatures are passé, what is the unbridled fetish the Bahraini government has with rubber stamps? I’m not meaning those stamps which indicate that a paper has been seen, approved or rejected, but the stamps that companies use to stamp their invoices and other documents before they be accepted within the …

Rewarding incompetence

Isa Town market gutted by fire

Can someone explain to me why the hell the government’s picking up the tab on this one? Bahrain’s prime minister has promised “immediate compensation” to traders whose livelihood has been impacted by the blaze which destroyed Isa Town market last month. Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa also said that the market would be rebuilt …