Tag Archives: gulf

Iran 1: USA 0

It looks like the war in the Gulf with another “coalition” being led by the ear into Iran will be on a rain-check at the moment. At least until the Bush administration finds another excuse to inflict upon us another of its failures and waxes lyrical about how Iran (or whatever country in vogue at …

Long faces

The governors of the six central banks in the Arabian Gulf Cooperation Council have been given their political marching orders to unify our currencies by 2010, that is in less than 3 years’ time, but it seems that political orders are one thing, practical considerations are a wholly different kettle of fish. For one thing, …

Con man – Bahraini style

I had to laugh at this: يصطدم بالخليجيين السكارى ويهددهم بالأمن للحصول على المال تمكن رجال الأمن من القبض على متهم يقوم ليلاً بالاصطدام البسيط بسيارات الزوار الخليجيين الذين يكونون في حال سكر، موضحاً لهم أنهم في حال سكر بيّن، وأنهم هم المخطئون، طالباً منهم تعويضه مبلغا من المال وإلا فإنه سيتجه لتبليغ رجال المرور …