With six international human rights organizations releasing stinging reports on the freedom of expression in the Arab world, Bahrain was not spared any of that wrath. And deservedly so for the thousands of websites which have been blocked over the past ten years, a campaign which has intensified especially over the last few years. The …
Dr Mansoor Al-Jamri is interviewed by Al-Hurra TV in which he reflects on the events in Bahrain over the past year, discusses the Bassiouni report and the political and social situation which contributed to these events. He also suggests ways in which this situation could be resolved. Well worth watching to give you a real …
Diabolical of course, but as it has become the norm now, especially AFTER the BICI report’s come out, the government might well think that they could field the worst offenders (and there doesn’t seem to be any good ones there who could exercise their conscience once in a while) to the Olympics of depravity. Here’s …
For those denialists who maintain that the BICI report is nothing but something to paper over the cracks temporarily so that the status quo is not ultimately disturbed, have a look at this. Maybe if you have a few atoms of humanity left in you, it might help you remove that veil off your conscience …
A local saying immediately popped into my mind as I read these words in today’s Al-Wasat: وطالبت لجنة الØÂقوق الدينية ÙÂيوزارة الخارجية الأميركية بـ «تقديم أيمنالمسئولينÙÂيالØÂكومة البØÂرينية الذينثبت تورطهم ÙÂيانتهاكات صارخة للØÂرية الدينية إلى العدالة ومعاقبتهم بموجب القانون، ويجب على الØÂكومة البØÂرينية إصدار اعتذار رسميلتدمير العشرات من…