Tag Archives: Just-Bahraini

“Just Bahraini” not welcome at checkpoints

Leena Al Olaimy On Friday 18th March 2011, @LAlOlaimy said: @khalidalkhalifa I’m VERY concerned by what I just heard re: my aunt’s checkpoint experience. #Bahrain police tried to provoke her & found a ‘لا سني لا شيعي بس بحريني‘ badge in her bag. The police ridiculed her asking if she really believes in it? She responded ‘yes’. …

Wishing Al-No’aimi a speedy recovery

تقوم بالسلامة Ùˆ العافية يا بو أمل The Godfather of the National Democratic movement in Bahrain is in critical – but stable – condition in Morocco where he traveled earlier to attend a political conference. While there, he had an acute pancreatic failure which necessitated his admission to a local hospital. Since being admitted, his …

Just Bahraini at Wa’ad tonight

Wa’ad will be holding an anti-sectarian seminar tonight with some community leaders speaking. We will be there too and intend to distribute over 1,500 buttons! We would love it if you would come too and help send the message of a One Bahrain. «شعب واحد يتحدى الطائفية» في «وعد» تستضيف جمعية العمل الوطني الديمقراطي (وعد) …