My garden viewed from the garage. Don’t want to drive off with a view like this!
Passion fruit, originally uploaded by malyousif. This passiflora really enjoys its new position, it’s mother plant died unfortunately, but from a little sapling, this thing is covering most of the wall. It’s the first time that it actually produces this much fruit. Not sure if I’ll eat them (some passion fruit are poisonous – I …
My first and once flourishing Passiflora Caerulea has died. I just pulled it out of its erstwhile abode this morning and disposed of it. It’s roots were rotten, but that could be because it was dead in the ground for more than a week but I left it were it was hoping that it will …
Passion Flower, originally uploaded by malyousif. This is the very first Passion Flower to bloom this season. It’s done that just today. This particular plant is on an arbour anchored in two 50cm pots planted in there a mere couple of months ago. Both pots have the home-grown passiflora taken from the mother plant which …