There is no doubt that smart phones have become a trusty companions. No one would think of leaving their homes without theirs. And it stands to reason given the amount of functions that a smart phone provides; everything from email, to diaries, to calendars to a personal camera and basic communications as well of course. It facilitates …
Some enterprising netizen took umbrage at the machinations and outright lies of Gamma FinFisher, the Anglo-German privacy-thieving and national-aspiration-crushing software supplier so he hacked their servers and walked away with 40GB of their crown jewels. To put it in perspective, 40GB means that “you could hold approximately: 10,000 High-Quality MP3 Songs -or- 25,000 High-Resolution Digital …
Hate to say that I told you so, but indications are now heating up to target any secure platform with demands of open access by the so called security services: As Research In Motion faces an increasingly public dispute with several countries over the ability to monitor communication on its BlackBerry devices, virtually all other …
The latest salvo in the depreciation of personal freedoms in Bahrain comes this time courtesy of the Ministry of Interior. No surprise there. It’s Traffic Department is introducing new number plates with tracking devices, unimaginatively justified to “fight crime” – and no one seems to care.
Chapter 1: A botched up series of events starting with an inaccurate call to the emergency line alerting an operator that a woman was in trouble and needs immediate medical help led to a delay in dispatching an ambulance to the concerned area. Ultimately, it took the medical emergency personnel to arrive three hours after …