With the collapse of dictatorial rule in Tunis and the running demonstrations in Egypt since 25 Jan with Friday the 28th culminating in the biggest series of demonstrations for decades, which other country could follow this popular domino effect? The regular culprits and the most shaky governments seem to be Algeria, Morocco, Jordan and Yemen, …
Read Eric Goldstein’s articles in Foreign Policy if you have a chance. The gist of it is the realisation which should be visited to all heads of state is this: A government that crushes dissent and censors the media might preside over relative prosperity and make the trains run on time, but its real stability …
Whenever something gets banned, people will find a way around it. Simple human nature. This is even more so if the entity doing the banning is a government. Tunis – yes, the laundry is being well and truly aired about that oh-so-stable country aplenty now – has not only banned the call to prayer on …