I’m a latecomer to Turkish Drama. I remember when “Muhannad” was all the hype and couldn’t be bothered enough to watch it. However, with Ertugrul, Osman and now Vatanim Sensin, that’s all changed!
Don’t agree? Step 1: Remove shoe Step 2: Throw shoe in the direction of the opponent Step 3: If all else fails: shoot the bitch and be done with it The world is no dire need of anyone who differs with you anyway. Oh, and do that on live television in view of the whole …
Here’s a bit of news which does not add up: Bahrain has been picked to host the headquarters for Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal’s new international Arabic news network despite months of unrest, according to the tiny Gulf kingdom’s media oversight authority. Alwaleed’s channel, dubbed Alarab, will be based in the Bahraini capital Manama’s …
I stopped watching LOST after the second season. I just couldn’t handle all the bullshit plots they were throwing at me and I couldn’t be bothered subscribing to that “intelligent” crap that its followers gave it like:
Remember that debacle where the Arab world agreed to “protect our traditional values” by curtailing freedoms of expression especially that of news television channels? You know, the news channels who normally criticise established regimes, specifically Aljazaeera and to some extent Alarabia? That was in February earlier this year, and only Lebanon objected to such a …