I’ve never been real big about corn. In Bahrain the only thing we get is the frozen kind and as for “fresh”, well, the closest is the KFC supplied ears! But after reading about how luscious they can be cut fresh from the stalk and boiled in this post in the Backyard Gardening Blog I …
Ocra, originally uploaded by malyousif. The vegetable patch is starting to produce! Have a wonderful and productive weekend my friends.
A lot happen in a garden in two weeks, unfortunately for me; I’ve been really busy in the office that I didn’t have a chance to muck around with it. Last weekend was taken up by motorsports at the BIC – which I thoroughly enjoyed – but am determined this weekend to spend as much …
zillions of cabbage, originally uploaded by malyousif. Ehm… I kinda think that I sowed far too many seeds in my vegetable patch… and the same for the next line of cauliflower and the marrow have come up too… waiting for the onion and tomatoes now. anyone wants some salad seedlings?