I’ve been going on for a while about the smart card and people have just been scoffing the fears I harbour. “It’s just like the CPR” they say invariably, “and we’ve been living with it since 1984, so what’s the difference? It’s going to make our life better!” Sure it’ll make our life better. If …
Month: February 2005
Feb 9th should be just like any other day in the year. What’s so special about it? This year, 2005, it falls on a Wednesday which is the end of the working week for a lot of people in Bahrain. This year however, there’s a football match between Bahrain and Iran. We humiliated them the …
I’ve had this baby for over 9 years… it was time to let it go and fortunatley enough I sold it this afternoon and it’s going to a good home. I hope its new owner will enjoy it as much as I did for all of these years…