The godfather and chairman of the central committee of the National Democratic Action Society (Wa’ad) has been admitted to Salmaniya hospital last night with heart problems. I wish him a very speedy recovery from whatever ails him and hope that he gets back with us very soon. Bahrain and Wa’ad still needs his patriotism and …
Month: February 2007
Metalwork, originally uploaded by malyousif. At a Marrakech souvenir outlet. I bought quite a lot of things from this shop; leather cushions, bags, Moroccan clothes for the wife and kids and other stuff. This constituted my first ever souvenir shopping! I normally don’t bother with any souvenir shopping in the countries I visit for business …
That is the title of the seminar to be conducted in Washington on February 13th concerning the Bahraini political scene. Not a very imaginative title, as it is a very much overused sentence in Bahrain – with justification, I might add. All you have to do is pick up any paper, on any day and …
Bahrainis Dr. Mohammed Saeed and Hussain Al-Habshi start serving their time in prison today for voicing their political opinions. The first for a year, the second for 6 months. Isolated from their jobs, their families and their community simply for voicing a political opinion which the government interpreted as tantamount to carrying arms and forcibly …