asparagus, originally uploaded by malyousif. I love this plant, so flexible and easy to take care of. It looks good no matter way you put it too! Have a wonderful Friday my friends.
Month: June 2009
Like the rest of the world, I’ve been half interested in the Iranian elections, not for anything specific, but I guess it’s a good gig to while away the time with. If you think this is endeavor – the elections – are “the real thing” then please be reminded that this is The Middle East. …
The Bird of Paradise has finally flowered!, originally uploaded by malyousif. The last time this guy flowered was when I was incapacitated, bed-bound and suffering from a back injury. I remember my daughter Hanan went out and took a picture of it showing me it’s first flowering in our garden ever. Well, it’s flowering again, …
C++ would be Islam – It takes C and not only keeps all its laws, but adds a very complex new set of laws on top of it. It’s so versatile that it can be used to be the foundation of anything, from great atrocities to beautiful works of art. Its followers are convinced that …
from Twitter with no confirmation yet on Batelco’s pages: Via @BoilingIce and @ahmedzainal on Twitter. Batelco’s channel alludes to this too: @batelco: Our existing customers will be automatically migrated to the new broadband packages with higher speeds & more usage, up to 90% lower prices! […] E.g.: customers who are currently subscribed to the 2Mbps/BD60 …