I’m honoured to have been invited to participate in the National Dialogue. I shall accept with humility and dedicate whatever time I can muster to ensure its success. Like other fine men and women of this country, I look forward to helping this country get through the bottleneck it has been afflicted by through its …
I have been thoroughly depressed over the last few weeks. Everywhere around me bad news persists; people dancing over dead bodies and urging for more killings, people whom I thought to be friends started to regard me as a mortal enemy, people throw about choice terms like “traitor” and “unpatriotic” with vitriol and not much …
In Bahrain’s recent history, no other date has been so keenly awaited than the 1st of June 2011, for on that day, the State of National Security ends, and a new era for Bahrain commences. The hope for that day is the return of the military forces to their barracks and the national dialogue resumes. …
The political societies released a statement this afternoon explaining their position regarding the national dialogue called for by the Crown Prince almost two weeks ago. Here are their reasons, and my translation (errors in translation are mine alone and done in good faith): Press Conference of the Assemblies of political opposition societies on the reasons …
I honestly don’t think so. The invitation to dialogue is about two weeks old and all what we’ve had so far – at least as far as I can see – are unilateral monologues fueled by wild speculation and rumours. The opposition seems to be biding its time in order to extract more concessions, while …