Off to the National Dialogue again in a few minutes. This time I’ll be participating in the 2nd stream of the Economic Committee dealing with Government Services and I’ll be particularly interested in Education and the Environment, their challenges and what we should do to promote them in Bahrain. This is a continuation session from …
We have one old water overflow channel on the side of one of the palm groves near our home and our dog Phoebe and us get great pleasure walking by it and watching the little wildlife that manage to survive there. Guppies abound, and I’ve seen some village children have hunting for frogs and terrapins. …
They’re certainly not the first supermarket in Bahrain to try to get rid of plastic bags and wrappings and I hope it won’t be the last either, but my friend Muneera – who is no stranger to health and healthy lifestyle herself – informed me that yesterday Al-Osra started their environmental experiment in earnest by …
Then click here, right now. Don’t delay. You can thank me later. The Story of Stuff From its extraction through sale, use and disposal, all the stuff in our lives affects communities at home and abroad, yet most of this is hidden from view. The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at …
We’re having yet another “crisis” in Bahrain. This time, it comes in cementy flavour! FOREIGN racketeers are being blamed for a cement crisis which has crippled Bahrain’s construction industry.The suspension of supplies from Saudi is costing Bahrain’s contractors more than BD4 million a day, says sources. [GDN 12.06.08] Let me first confess that I don’t …