This is just getting ludicrous, but I fear might be symptomatic of the sectarian and racial tensions between some in Bahrain and Iran. If this is not put in perspective (read as: tell people not to overreact) then this could very well escalate into things we just do not need. Bahrainis should know that throwing …
Shady outfits can damage a country’s reputation faster and more thoroughly than almost anything else, especially if it a promised top-rating event, tickets sold and people arrive from all over the Gulf specifically for that event end up being shafted. Tickets were sold by someone called Ayman Al-Hamad who supposedly owns an outfit called B&D …
Guys, the landmark 30th Bahrain Bloggers’ Gathering is happening this Thursday – 5 July, ’07 at Al-Bareh Café starting at 7pm. See you there! UPDATE: KRIS HAS PROMISED TO BRING THE NEW iPHONE FOR US TO DROOL ON, SO YOU BETTER COME OVER!
But only to the Bahraini workers. Those who are in the private sector to be exact. Let’s forget those in the public sector, as they are not allowed to form trade unions, they’re unimportant and can’t be counted. Let’s also forget the Asian workers: Indians, Pakistanis, Bengalies, Filipinos and others who we simply don’t want …
Sorry for the late greeting, just back from Riyadh where I was all day for a business meeting. Came back through a set of weird weather: a huge sand-storm for about 100kms from Riyadh mixed in some parts with rain! Then a lull of a couple and then into a thunder storm galore for the …