Tag Archives: fun

Lumberjack Mahmood?

Lumberjack Mahmood?, originally uploaded by malyousif. I bought a chainsaw about a year ago and never had the chance to use it. After a very windy storm on Thursday (22 March, ’07), quite a number of trees around the island toppled, got uprooted, or if they are too tall some branches broke. We have a …

Target Practice

I am ever so grateful to the Ministry of Interior for foiling the plot to overthrow the government [Arabic], yet again, by a group of 35 youths who have confessed to not know each other yet intricately coordinate their heinous activities and practice the seditious act of throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at printed targets …

Sachtler Chocolates Present

Sachtler Chocolate Present, originally uploaded by malyousif. I love Sachtler, a company that sells some of the best camera support systems in the world which we represent. Their New Year and Christmas wishes from them always contained the most scrumptious German chocolates, dark chocolates, this year with Marzipan and nuts… DEL.ICIO.US! Happy New Year again.


“Islam encourages everybody to practice sports and maintain physical fitness,” said the imam addressing worshippers at the Omar Bin Al Khattab mosque on Friday. Excellent.. carry on shaikh. “However, while Islam does not prohibit women taking part in sports such events should be held in places where men cannot see them and the matches should …