I created this border yesterday. It features big rocks that were dug up by the sewageworks in our neighbourhood. As you can see, I repurposed them as well as the sand they dug up to create a couple of xeriscaped borders. These are positioned at the entrance (or the end) of our road and neighbourhood. …
Our viewer Shirley Dockerill asked us to cover the important topic of gardens that need very little water. In other words: xeriscaping. In this episode, I discuss and show what I have personally done in my garden to accommodate the xeriscaping philosophy and show my xeriscaped border and the thriving plants in it. All while …
Have a look at this beauty my friends: I went around to check on it this morning and there it was. Pretty in Yellow and pink and some shades in between. This is not the first time it has flowered of course, but since it’s been in the ground the flower this time is much …
Have a look at this beauty! We’ve just finished this new border this afternoon. I moved almost all the agaves and cactii from the cluster by the pool into this new brilliant arrangement, even if I say so myself 🙂 I’m looking forward for them to mature in place and hope all visitors to our …