The Thieving MP

I had to laugh when I read Mohammed Al-Othman‘s column this morning and am left wondering how unpopular he will become now as “the machine” will certainly start turning and he will end up painted all the hues of the rainbow as long as it is black!

Al-Wasat columnist Mohammed Al-Othman

هذا النائب تدرج في اللصوصية؛ فمن لص صغير إلى لص وسط إلى لص كبير… تقاعد من الوظيفة التي عمل بها بعد أن «نشف» ماء بئرها من كثر سرقاته، فلم يغادر كراجاً أو نخيلاً أم تراباً إلا وسرق منه خلة! ختم عمله بالفوز بعقود استثمار – بثمن بخس – لشركات تعود ملكيتها إليه. يتحدث عن المال العام، والعقود التي يصوغها للشركة التي يمتلكها، ترهق موازنة الدولة بشروط تعجيزية، واستنزاف حاد لموارد الدولة التي من المفترض أنه يحميها!

This MP escalated in thieving degrees; from a small thief to a medium one through to a big thief. [He] retired from his job after he dried its well with the number of thefts he perpetrated, as he did not leave a garage or palm grove or sand without steeling something from it no matter how small! His departing gesture at his job was to win investment contracts – at a very low price – which were awarded to companies he owns. He talks about the public purse, and the contracts he wrote won by his own companies with debilitating conditions [for the government to break off only with heavy penalties] and the draining of the state’s funds which he should protect.
read the whole column in Al-Wasat Newspaper

That should set the cat amongst the pigeons! Just watch that whole committee and the rest of the parliament members how run like headless chickens trying to cover their posteriors.

Oh what fun.. the play will start in 4 weeks time but the previews we read in the papers over the last week most certainly makes the long wait worth it!


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