Man the past couple of months were hectic, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to slow down. Directly after the race I’m off to Riyadh on the 6th, then goodness knows where else, I hope somewhere where I can enjoy some snow! I’m fed up of the sun every single day and my multi-coloured …
Month: March 2004
Quiz: 1. Name them, from left to right 2. Who’s the prettiest? score out of 10 3. Guess their future in the 2006 elections 4. Which one is the odd one out? and why? 5. What’s their impact on Bahrain? Get crackin’!
Soon to be ex-MP Sameer Al-Shuwaikh, (the guy I voted for!) was handed a six-month suspended jail sentence yesterday for issuing a dud-cheque. For 158,000 Dinars (US$ 419k). His defence of ignorance and that “he only presented the cheque as a guarantee” were thrown out of court. You ain’t got money, don’t write cheques. Even …
58 security personnel were made redundant by the Seef Mall a few days ago in an effort for the company to be more profitable by out-sourcing security. The ex-employees were given an extremely fair severance pay (the last one negotiated was 6 months for every year employed by them, coming to some BD 22,000 in …
Happy International Women’s Day But shouldn’t EVERY day be women’s day? Ok, make it 364 days in a year dedicated for women – which they deserve, but let’s just have one day for men!