Month: September 2006


Lust, originally uploaded by malyousif. I shot this in Dubai during the Gitex ’98 exhibition and I still love it. Look at the expression of the guy at the back. For the guy’s point of view, click here. Happy Friday! Again, sorry for not posting something “fresh” as my camera is still in the shop. …


Why is there a lump in my throat? Why do I feel as if I have lost my mother, or my father again, a sibling or a dear friend? The feeling overcoming me since I heard of her death and started reading about her are very similar to those when my own father passed away. …

It’s sooooo quiet

Traditionally, if something happens in Bahrain that even touches on perceived loyalties to the ruling family, or lack thereof, we get full- or at least half-page adverts crying foul and heavily beating chests in demonstration of the advertiser’s eternal love and loyalty to the royal family, or person, or both, at the cost of “those …