Shameless plug warning! Based on the wealth of experience gained over the last 16 years in consulting, supplying and providing services to regional and international radio and television stations and high-end production companies, we at Gulf Broadcast are proud to announce that we have now joined this illustrious group of luminaries by adding a media …
Month: March 2007
I’ll be speaking at the forthcoming Rand Doha Conference: RAND is proud to announce it will be holding a conference in Doha, Qatar from 15-16 March on the subject Creative Use of the Media to Foster Understanding and Tolerance. The conference will bring together regional analysts, public diplomacy and information operations experts, and the initiators …
Rosa "Sultan", originally uploaded by malyousif. We locally call this the “Mohammedi Rose” in honour of the Prophet Mohammed. This is the “Sultan” variety that normally comes from Oman or Saudi. It is very similar to another cultivar “Rosa ‘Bahrain Rose’” but a little bigger and is “smellier!” It’s scent is gorgeous and if you …
Most of us arrived late, including yours truly. The traffic was a killer, and getting out of Budaiya at 6.45 does NOT guarantee you arriving in Adliya at 7! So I arrived at about 7.20, the others followed a little after that. There were 3 people at Al-Bareh Café on-time, to shame us! So I …
واعتبر رئيس الوزراء أثناء استقباله أمس (الثلثاء) أعضاء مجلس إدارة جمعية الصØÂÙÂيينالبØÂرينية برئاسة عيسى الشايجي، أنه ‘’لا يوجد داعم أكبر للانÙÂتاؠمنالصØÂاÙÂØ© والوعيوالتØÂليبروؠالمسؤولية، وأنه بالقلم الØÂر والكلمة الصادقة والأمانة الوطنية والتØÂليل والرؤى الثاقبة للأمور، مطمئنونأنمنجزاتنا ستتعاظم ومقدراتنا Ù…ØÂمية وثوابتنا الوطنية Ù…ØÂÙÂوظة’’. … وتابع ‘’نØÂرص على توجيه الوزراء للتواصل …