On base, request clearance to land

With the change in the weather from the stifling heat to the less stifling heat and with a bit of wind, the garden this morning is full of bees foraging. It was lovely to just walk around and watch them…

Have a wonderful Friday my friends!


  1. um naief

    what a beautiful, beautiful picture! there’s something about bees that i just love, and that flower is amazing.

    what kind of little bees are these? i know they’re not bumble bees (have you ever seen these?)… they sorta look like little honey bees.

  2. um naief

    btw, are you using a digital camera for these?

    you and another friend of mine, Puppy, get the best bee pictures…

  3. mahmood

    Thanks um Naief, I’m glad you enjoy them as much as I enjoy taking them!

    The Camera is digital of course, it’s the Canon 20D – and old(er) model now, but still takes excellent pictures.

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