Vlog: Rome’s trip

A return to vlogging? Well maybe, thanks to having the video capabilities of my brand-spanking-new iPhone 3Gs it might re-become a feature!

Regardless, I hope you enjoy this clip. The videos were recorded by the iPhone, the pictures weren’t, they’re the result of my almost new Canon EOS 50D. You can view those pictures in higher resolution on my Flickr stream if you wish.


  1. Steve the American

    Mahmood, that was an EXCELLENT slideshow. What is the software you used, the one that lets you hop from pix to pix? I’d like to do that with this Central Park pix and video.

  2. Steve the American

    Hmmm. The answer has been within arm’s reach of me all along and I need somebody on the other side of the planet to tell me. Thanks.

  3. Anonny

    Perhaps another family member should have an iPhone of their own so that they can run second camera: close-ups, cut-aways, the occasional wide angle shot. You owe it to yourself, Mahmood 😉


    1. mahmood

      How right you are!

      Got there before you though.. I actually bought two; one for me, the other for Arif! 🙂

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