
  1. exclamation mark

    A south east asian man might find rats tasting like chicken… But what would a Bahraini say?

  2. ajax


    through i hate KFC

    there food bring to me stomach ache like every time


  3. Steve the American

    Cannibals in Oceania claim that humans taste like pork. They call it “long pig.” Just thought you’d want to know. And, by the way, a human body has enough nutrition to keep a cannibal nourished for two weeks, in case you ever need this metric for planning purposes. You’re welcome.

  4. Anonny

    Trouble with cannibalism is the prions you consume. Laughing sickness from eating human brains, for example. I suppose one could call it “Mad Long Pig” disease.

  5. Steve the American

    I guess that’s why there is no Kentucky Fried Cannibal franchise.

  6. Gabrielle Howard-Gengler

    The only meat that tastes like chicken that isn’t chicken, would be squirrel to me.

  7. Steve the American

    They tried a Kentucky Fried Squirrel franchise here but everyone said it tasted like chicken so it went bankrupt under fierce competition from Colonel Sanders.

  8. RP

    Hello Mahmood and All,

    We are conducting a feedback study aiming to view the perspective of Mothers from UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait and Oman regarding their knowledge and perspective on healthy eating of meat.

    Kindly click on the link below to participate in the study:

    Thank you very much.

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