A truck load of cash for 2nd place?

So far, Khalid Al-Shaer, the candidate running for the 4th District in the Central Governate against Dr. Muneera Fakhro of Waad is in second place, according to this poll in Al-Wasat this morning in which Mr. Alshaer got 29% against Dr. Muneera Fakhro’s 43%.

Quite surprising really as his purported electioneering budget needs a truck to haul it around. Allegedly half a million Bahraini Dinars!

Where the hell do people get money like that from? Or rather, how much money does a 38-year-old have to throw away half a million smackeroos with not compunction whatsoever?

Never mind though. Even with that stratospheric number for Bahraini elections, he’s still in 2nd place and the 1st is just a pipe dream in this case. 2nd place doesn’t get jack.

Well, unless some dirty tricks take place on the day that is, like what’s supposedly happened in the last election in the very same district against the very same Waad candidate

Strange, really really strange.


  1. Ali

    That 29% will turn into 60% on the election day, thanks but no thanks to the so called “general” poll stations!

  2. AbuRasool

    Where from do people like al Qadi get that much money to throw away in an election campaign for a single seat?

    I have a guess! Regardless of what name we give it, “makramah malakiya”,”royal largess”, or “strategic gifting”, its ultimate aim is the reshaping society and political life. With money like those in the royal coffers, social engineering is a piece of cake.

  3. AbuRasool

    oops! I meant Al Shaer 🙂
    Is there a candidate with al Qadi name?

    1. mahmood


      Of course there is and coincidentally in the very same district! http://isaalqadhi.com is a link to his site. Wasn’t he the one wholeheartedly supported by ex-MP Abdulnabi Salman? Or did he support someone else from Asalah? Weird happenings to be sure…

  4. AbuRasool

    I do not think anything new is going asfar as Dr. Aziz Abul is concerned. Stories may be many, some are long, others seem contradictory, but they all lead to the same place, the royal court. Dr. Abul is one of those who finds comfort in the shadow of the royal court.
    For some details you can check Ali Rabia book published in 2007, see below. (One of those details narrates a particularly bizarre and threatening message addressed to me from the royal court and delivered by Dr. Abul following my lecture at the Alumni Club in Manama on May 15, 2001).
    ربـيـعـة ، عـلـي قـاسـم

    «لجنة العريضة الشعبية في مسار النضال الوطني في البحرين
    دار الكنوز الأدبية, بيروت
    464 صفحة

    Lajnat al-‘Arīḍah al-sha‘bīyah fī masār al-niḍāl al-waṭanī fī al-Baḥrayn
    by Rabī‘ah, ‘Alī Qāsim
    Issue Year: 2007


  5. exclamation mark

    Hmmm, Abdul Aziz Abul, one of those MPs marked as silent. Not even a word !

    I feel confused when looking at those new faces and their slogans for solutions and reform, and I ask my self: Why should people vote to them? We haven’t heard a word from them outside parliament.

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