Waiting, with bated breath

Bahrain pro-democracy demo in the capital Manama

I think every person in Bahrain is awaiting the release of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry scheduled for Nov 23rd after a delay of a full month from the originally declared date of release. To remind us of what their task is:

The Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry was established on 29th June 2011 in the Kingdom of Bahrain pursuant to Royal Order No. 28 by His Majesty, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. The Commission has been tasked with investigating and reporting on the events that took place in Bahrain from February 2011, and the consequences of those events.

The Commission has been asked to determine whether the events of February and March 2011 (and thereafter) involved violations of international human rights law and norms, and to make the recommendations that it deems appropriate. The Commission has been asked to provide a complete narrative of the events and the context for these events; to describe any acts of violence that occurred, as well as the actors involved in such acts; and to investigate instances of alleged police brutality and violence by protestors and demonstrators against others. The Commission has been asked to explore the circumstances and appropriateness of arrests and detentions; to examine allegations of disappearances and torture; to probe allegations of media harassment and other pressure tactics used against participants in demonstrations and public protests; to discuss the alleged unlawful demolition of religious structures; and to describe the alleged involvement of foreign forces and actors. [source]

I hope that the report is truly independent and unbiased, and that its recommendations are enacted with alacrity by his Majesty to get this country out of the proverbial bottle-neck. Doing anything else would be a betrayal of those who have given their lives to this country and its people, the last of whom will be buried in the next hour or so. May Allah rest their souls and may their sacrifice never be forgotten, and let their names guide this country into a better more equitable future.


  1. exclamation mark

    Well, I am very pessimistic of the reaction expected towards the report. Part of the opposition had slammed the report before its release, and said that the report would already be biased since none of those accused ot breaching human rights from the Al Khalifa family would be charged. At the same time, they’ve threatened to escalate the situation.Not alot is being expected from this report after the incident that had occured yesterday i.e the death of a 16 year old boy because of a hit and run incident by a police car.

  2. Dudebh

    I think it’s worth mentioning Basiouni changed his mind – i presume he had to – and said there was systematic torture in Bahrain. Can you believe that? All that time you thought Bahrain was a friendly country it was actually all an illusion – the dark side of bahrain is horrible. The events that took place early in the year didn’t change Bahrain, it only exposed it.

  3. Bahraini

    We live in a world where each side has chosen to see black or white there is no grey. For opposittion side anything said by any government official is a blatant lie, and any rumour on twitter is god’s truth, and visa versa for the pro-government side.
    One of Bassiouni’s aides said for any given incident there were two accounts depending on point of view with no overlap (truth usually lies in the overlap) as if each set of people live in parallel universes.
    I hope after all their hard work with long 14 hour workdays the BICI was able to decipher the Bahrain puzzle.
    We wait….

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