Jazz and Blues on a full moon lit night

So there IS potential in Bahrain for enjoying oneself! That’s the biggest revelation to me over the last couple of nights where we both enjoyed and soaked in cultural experiences which will last with those present for a long time to come.

The moon was full, the Arad Fort setting was beautiful, the weather tolerable, though cold, the selection of events gorgeous and even – for the most part – the audience was appreciative, especially on the Jazz night.

Two nights; the first a fusion of Cuban and Arab sounds, whilst the second was Jazz and Blues which without a doubt was the best live event I have ever attended! The Pitt Jazz All-Stars was an experience that will never be forgotten, and has re-kick-started my appreciation for jazz and blues, even the children enjoyed the two evenings, the latter much more than the former to them.

It is impossible for me to put into words my feelings of the event last night, but let me tell you this: I enjoyed every single jam session, and every single solo for every single musician that was on stage last night, especially the electric and eclectic performance by the base guitar god: Abraham Laboriel, who again defies description, however put into your mind the coolness of Baloo the bear and Tigger after a couple of espressos, now put both characters together and you will share the mental image I have of Abraham! Truly electrifying performance.

Pitt Jazz All-Stars

The only disappointment I had was I couldn’t buy their CDs on the way out because they disappeared in no time at all!

Thank you very much indeed EDB for bringing these events to us, I hope that this will not be an isolated incident but will over time become the rule.

Let me leave you with how the EDB described this particular event and provide you with links to the musicians:

The final performance on Thursday March 12th during the FORMULA ONE period will feature the “PITT JAZZ ALL STARS” for a memorable experience with some of the best world-renowned Jazz musicians will be featured during the Bahrain premiere of the Pitt Jazz All-Stars: Queen Nethree Bey (vocals), Maurice Brown (trumpet), Nathan Davis (tenor & soprano saxophones and musical director), Amina Figarova (piano), Curtis Fuller (trombone), Weinard Harper (drums), Eric Johnson (guitar), Abraham Laboriel (bass), Claus Reichstaller (trumpet).


  1. dee

    I fully agree! I was there both nights and enjoyed myself immensely. Frankly, I was very disappointed on the Hanine and Son Cubano night when the audience kept leaving. They didn’t even wait for a song to be finished. Sounds like “they all wanted to beat the traffic.” they demoralized the performers! The audience on Pittz Jazz was much better behaved….and more appreciative! We want more events like this.

  2. Post

    The difference in audience was mind-boggling wasn’t it? The Hanine show’s audience were like.. erm, “villages” (no disrespect to villages of course as technically I am one too, but you know what I mean.)

  3. Jamal

    I am so sorry that I missed it!! I had the two tickets only to give them away as my wife was not feeling well 🙁

    Hope to catch it next time!!

  4. LiB Team

    I am glad you enjoyed it, Mahmood. Pity I couldn’t be there 🙁 maybe next year! But here’s an also nice idea which I hope hears some echoes around. I already suggested this on the Yanni message board and here as well due to the huge audience you get here Mahmood (mashallah! 3ayni 3alaik baarda) anyways, why doesn’t Yanni perform at the Arad fort? He does a lot of his live performances in historic landmarks such as the Acropolis, Taj Mahal and the Forbidden City in China! I truly believe that he could also do a brilliant performance here in Arad. What does everyone else think? He could also compose an eastern style song especially for such an event just like he did some for the Taj Mahal and Forbidden City ones! Just thinking out loud 🙂

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  6. Post
  7. Dude

    Yeah Mahmood it was great, I was their. Abe was great, I too play the bass guitar, erm… its “Bass” not “Base” btw

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