Is there a word stronger than “detest” to express my hate for most of the stupid television commercials targetted to Gulf viewers? The typical TVCs (television commercials) we get to watch on the now tens of satellite channels and ALL of the terrestrial channels in the Gulf I think are so low in creative quality, …
yep, I’ve finished the first iteration of a new theme for Xaraya inspired by the PBS scientific site Nova and the new Xaraya theme done by Andy V. where I borrowed some of his styles. let me know what you think and if you experience any problems with it… Here’s how I created this theme …
For the first time in my life I voted for the Bahraini Parliament. Now I know that I should not have bothered. Democracy is not worth it and it doesn’t work in the Arab world in general and Bahrain in particular. They have been operating now since October 2002. Almost a full term considering that …
Here’s a blog that you should visit. Lorenzo tends the plants at the Open University’s KMI labs in England. But when he’s not doing that, he’s climbing mountains! and he’s off now to climb Everest to celebrate and commemmorate the 50th anniversary of Everest’s conquest by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. The difference is …
A friend of mine, an artist, has written to me decrying the state of visual and auditory art in the Arab world in general and Bahrain in particular, complaining of essentially the bancruptsy of the traditional broadcast institutions as well as so-called “image makers”, the advertising agencies and post-production houses in the area, that he …