I planted a bunch of bulbs on Oct 24 and I’m thrilled that some have already pushed through! Thanks to Google+ for applying some special effects to the original picture. Quite neat 😉
To put what I’ve done this morning in the garden in a sentence, it would have to to: “Back breaking, but exhilarating work!” My wife brought just about a whole suitcase-full of bulbs with her from her recent visit to Scotland. This morning I’ve planted 376 of those bulbs around various borders in the garden and …
Peacock Orchid (Gladiolus Callianthus), originally uploaded by malyousif. One of the most beautiful flowers in my garden, coming into bloom again for the 2nd year, and doubled or tippled since last year too! I guess there is an advantage of keeping bulbs where they are rather than digging them up! Have a wonderful Friday and …
Summer flowering Hippaesrum (Amaryllis), originally uploaded by malyousif. I was amazed a few days ago when I noticed that the Amaryllis was actually budding! The temperature outside is in the 40s now, but inside the house it’s about 24C so I think this is a very confused plant, the result; however, is very very welcome!