Bulbul on the aloe, originally uploaded by malyousif. Bubuls love to suck the nectar of the Aloe vera flowers. That’s one of the main reasons I have plenty of Aloes in my garden. This particular plant is in a big pot and is the oldest we have in the garden. It’s huge and suffered a …
Bulbul hatchling, originally uploaded by malyousif. The first to hatch of the bulbuls who have nested in one of our ficuses. I’ll dedicate this shot to my father, who departed this world one year ago tomorrow. Have a wonderful, peaceful and joyous Friday my friends.
Bulbul in the palm, originally uploaded by malyousif. This guy is nesting in one of our ficus shrubs; its nest is intricately woven between stalks, padded on the outside with tissues and has 3 speckled eggs in it. I think this is the first White-cheeked Bulbul pair who nested in our garden and actually produced …
White Cheeked Bulbul, originally uploaded by malyousif. The bulbul is disappearing fast from Bahrain due to not only the disappearance of its natural habitat, the palm groves, but the encroachment of new predators like the crow as well as it being sought as a song bird. The environmental agencies in Bahrain are trying to eradicate …