As you know, we went out last weekend and grabbed a few things for the garden. We picked up five small bushes because their flowers and shape drew us. Unfortunately the garden nursery staff didn’t know the actual name of the plant. This is not the first time that I got a plant that I …
I bought this caper several years ago from one of the Bahrain International Garden Shows, I think it was the 2006 or thereabouts. I left it in a medium-sized pot and it did well for a while. But like with everything else, time caught up with it and I thought it had died and being …
I was aghast when I heard Mr. Bush vehemently threatening Russia since the Georgian invasion and I simply couldn’t but draw parallels at the actions that he took in both Afghanistan and Iraq. US President George W Bush has accused Russia of “bullying and intimidation” in its military actions inside Georgia. Mr Bush demanded that …
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I drove over a waste ground this afternoon and was faced with a huge number of these flowers growing by themselves in the wild. I had to get out of my car to investigate and was gobsmacked to find out that these bushes (and plenty of them) are capers! …
It was thrilling seeing Bush dancing the ‘Ardha with our king this afternoon! The guy just pulled that sword out like he was born to it. At last, though, Bush found someone to impart him some culture. But my opinion doesn’t matter here, tell me what you think if you witnessed the event of the …