The first attempt this year at a nursery failed and in this video I tell you why. I also take the opportunity to build on that gained experience and start the 2nd version of the nursery. Here’s hoping for the best! Do you have any experiences to share? I’d love to hear from you especially …
The seeds I’ve sown in Episode 2 have mostly come through with some achieving quite good success. It’s time now to pot them up in small pots and make them ready to go into the ground. Apart from the potting of the seedlings, I construct proper shading boxes to replace the temporary structure on the …
Thinning and pruning seem to be a counterproductive activity for novice gardeners. I learnt the hard way that those are a necessity for the garden to thrive. I share my findings in this episode.
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I noticed that some shoots were already starting in the nursery just two days after the seeds were sown! I was so happy about that progress. It’s now just five days since I started the nursery and now we’ve got quite a few trays exhibiting signs of life. First …
The gardening season is about to start in Bahrain and I can’t wait for the weather to change for the better. However, it pays to prepare; hence, I share with you how I built my seed nursery and some gotcha’s that will help you avoid some of my mistakes. (hint: don’t over complicate things!)