For those denialists who maintain that the BICI report is nothing but something to paper over the cracks temporarily so that the status quo is not ultimately disturbed, have a look at this. Maybe if you have a few atoms of humanity left in you, it might help you remove that veil off your conscience …
Shocking video. Shocking and barbaric situation. For all the naysayers, I don’t think that any sane person can even dream of condoning such action, under any pretenses: In light of the effective political societies’ refusal to take up the Crown Prince on his offer for dialogue until the resignation of the government and the withdrawal …
Why? Come on, it MUST be part of the Middle East, who else is so out of touch with reality that they would spew this in front of the world and believe it? The following comments were made by their foreign minister at the UN; Mr. U Nyan Win Al-Sahhaf: “Recent events make clear that …