
  1. Ingrid

    man, I wish I could wear those shades…can’t imagine my 8 yr old being that cool (yet)..proud dad you are and for good reason! Here is to the next generation!

  2. M

    What beautiful eyes. The kid obviously gets his good looks from his mother’s side of the family!

  3. moodZ

    غلبوك يا ولد اليووسف.. ;p

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  6. Lujayn

    He does look like you, theres a general “laha” as we say in Syrian Arabic. Very cute kid!

  7. tooners

    What a cute pic… I love the hair! Beautiful eyes and how about those artsy glasses! This boy knows style. 🙂

  8. Post

    thanks Lujayn, it was all me of course, I make perfect kids! 😛

    tooners, if he doesn’t have style, believe me his eldest sister Amna would beat the crap out of him!

  9. tooners

    btw… I love the names. Do all of your children have “a” names? Arif is really nice and Amna.. .what does that mean? One day, if children come, picking out names will be the hardest. I’m torn between tradition and roots.

  10. Sadferret

    Happy Birthday soon Arif .. and I think you look like your Baba!

  11. Post

    Tooners we consiously didn’t want to give them very traditional names,

    Amna – named after my paternal grandmother, and is also the Prophet’s mother’s name.
    Hanan – named after Hanan Ashrawi, whom both Frances and I admire.
    Arif – Frances chose that name and I readily agreed.

    All of the names are also easy on the ear and both Arabs and non-Arabs can pronounce them without difficulty.

    Sadferret, thanks.

    His birthday is coming up on July 6th. Then we’ll have THREE teenagers in the house! (does anyone have a spare room in their house for both Frances and I to kibbitz for a few years until they get into their twenties?) 😉

  12. Anonymous

    Mahmood: Your son looks great.

    My question is: Is this the same son that appeared in your video when you broke an egg on your sidewalk to test your local temperature a few weeks ago?

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  14. Anonymous


    He reminds me of the Harry Potter. What is wrong with kids? They see Harry Potter as he’s Superman or something. 😛

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  16. billT

    Sally I use to be that good looking just not that cool looking. Anyway he’s got a good dad and mom to take credit for it.

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